Patient Perks
As you know, your orthodontic journey is a collaborative one. We, your orthodontic family, will work together with you, the patient, to create your brand new smile. Along the journey, we want to do everything we can to reward you for working hard with us to create your beautiful new smile. While you are in active treatment, you’ll rack up Orthobucks for good behaviour that you can redeem in cool & fun ways! The more Orthobucks, the more fun there is to be had!
How do you earn Orthobucks? Here’s how:
- Arriving on time for your appointment
- Brushing before your appointment time
- Having nothing loose or broken
- Maintaining Excellent Oral Hygiene
- Having your appliance at your appointment (headgear, lipbumper, removable retainer)
- Good elastics wear
- Cleaning at the dentist (must bring a note for proof!)
- Liking us on Facebook/Following Us on Instagram
- Writing us a Review on Google
- On your birthday
- For Debanding